Custom Logs for Apache Virtual Host

Let's say you have a few apps running on Apache under the VirtualHost configuration. If you'd like to have logging for these apps written to a particular directory and file name, you can make an entry under the VirtualHost section within the sites-available directory. ​

There are a variety of logger settings that can be configured as well - find them here.​

Apache Virtual Hosts and Domain Redirection

You want to have the ability to redirect a subdomain but how best to go about it?  One way is to use Apache's Virtual Hosts (especially if you want to avoid using .htaccess), Redirect and the mod_alias module.

I wanted to redirect the entire www subdomain to my root domain so I did the following in my Virtual Host configuration file (located in apache2/sites-available):​

Breaking down the components of the Redirect statement looks like this:​

  • Redirect type: you can use permanent OR 301 as well as any of the other HTTP standard codes for redirect
  • Path to be redirected: I wanted the whole of the website redirected (hence I specified '/' ) but you could just as easily specify a subdirectory
  • URL to be redirect to: If the request had a path that did not exactly match the second argument, then all bits that followed would be appended to the destination URL (e.g. if the request was, the redirect would look like

You can still use the Redirect command in .htaccess if you so choose, it's just not my preference.​