Dot Space Dot script calling syntax

I had written a shell script that captured network values from a running set of K8s service nodes. The network values would change as I built and destroyed the cluster. I needed a handy way to update the env values of interest so I created a small shell script that fit the bill. The script captured the values correctly but never set the env values after I ran it. After some head scratching I discovered the Dot Space Script calling syntax. It’s shorter than typing source each time and super handy.

$ . ./path/to/

Dot Space Dot calling syntax makes the script run under the current shell instead of starting another one (which is what happened when I ran ./ The environment variables are now correctly set and available after the script exits - nice.

How do I update zsh to the latest version (not Apple's default)?

I like to use Homebrew to install and manage the software on my Mac hence these instructions are brew specific.

First, check the zsh info

$ brew info zsh

Most likely you'll see Apple's version so let's install zsh from Homebrew

$ brew install zsh

Once that's completed you'll need to edit your shells file to add the new shell path

$ sudo vi /etc/shells

Scroll to the end of the file and add the following line


After you save that edit you'll need to update the default shell

$ chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh

Zsh is now upgraded. I also recommend installing Oh My Zsh. The handy upgrade command once installed is below

$ upgrade_oh_my_zsh

Grafonnet, a Jsonnet library for generating Grafana dashboards

Potentially useful way to extend the Infrastructure as Code pattern. Grafonnet provides a simple way of writing Grafana dashboards. It leverages the data templating language Jsonnet. It enables you to write reusable components that you can use and reuse for multiple dashboards.
